Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Funny, Right?

Sometimes I think I am funny and I am forced to consider if I really am.

Yesterday I went to get my work papers processed in the west loop. The process was fairly easy considering I had already had my TB test, drug test, fingerprinting, etc. complete. One of the last things I had to do was get my work ID picture taken. I sat in the chair and the girl took the picture. She looked at the picture, noticing my eyes were closed and said, "Are you a blinker?", to which I replied, "No, I just have small eyes!" and laughed at my own joke. Well, I am pretty sure she either didn't think it was funny or I made her feel really uncomfortable. I think it was funny! What do you think?


  1. i vote funny, but maybe that's because i'm also asian

  2. I think you're funny too, and not just because you're Asian!

  3. um, your eyes are clearly open. she must not be used to taking asians' pictures... i vote funny!

  4. Next time just say, "Yes, I'm a blinker, but it's usually only noticeable when I'm turning."

  5. haha Scott! At least it's better than my UC ID. You asked me if I wanted to look in the mirror first and I said, "no". BIG mistake!
