Thursday, August 12, 2010

Speaking of Cockroaches

At night I am always cautious to walk into the kitchen without first glancing around for any dark spots on the floor. Tonight was no exception. I saw a spot near the fridge and called for him to come kill it. Well, he was sleeping on the couch and said no. So I crept to the cupboard to grab the roach spray. When I had it in my hand I turned to spray and the roach was gone! I sprayed a bit between the fridge and counter where we keep paper shopping bags (I heard roaches like paper so I need to throw them out tomorrow) and beneath the fridge. Suddenly the biggest one yet comes cruising out and I screamed because it was so disgusting. I sprayed it good and it's dead on my floor because I don't want to touch the thing to throw it away. He can do it in the morning.

Ick, I have the hebeejeebies right now just thinking about it. Have you seen Billy the Exterminator? Well I have and I don't want my apartment to get to that!

On a more positive note. Our lovely neighbors heard me screaming and whimpering at 1 am and yelled down to see if I was alright. I suppose the good people living in the building make up for Ratzilla and cockroaches.

I am debating about posting a picture of the dead cockroach for your viewing pleasure. Who would like to see it?

I am posting some information about cockroaches I got from my old boss/mentor/friend, John Kabashima, Ph.D. and specialist in Integrative Pest Management among other things.

You asked for them. Sorry about the poor quality. I am not great with my point and shoot camera.

Oven and inch long!

Look at those legs. Sick. It had wings too, so it must be an adult. Are its babies somewhere?